Draaaaaaaagin On’ and other Ramblings

The academic portion of this blog is coming to a rapid conclusion. Its been extremely interesting learning all kinds of new multimedia storytelling methods. For anyone that’s taken the time to peruse through these articles; I thank you sincerely. All the feedback has been invaluable.

So, this blog reverts to the honest musings of a bored sailor, with a few more tools in my pocket. Like my daughter says proudly after scribbling vividly on a piece of construction paper, “I’m being creative!”.

I can now use a Google spreadsheet to show you what most sailors really do during a hitch. If it adds up to 100%; I’ll be surprised.


On a serious note, this New England Waterman (and oilfield supply boat captain), articulates the tribulations of life at sea best in his article What It’s Like. It’s a good read for those who can’t grasp the life of a mariner. I don’t feel like getting into the truly depressing and frustrating aspects of boat life myself; at least not right now. Life is great in the present. I will be happier and slightly wealthier (relative term) when I step off this ship next week.


My sons each scored runs in their little league game yesterday. My folks gave me the update and sent some photos. Thanks mom and dad and go San Lorenzo Valley Pirates!

I’m going to finish off the rest of Sunday evening talking with my amazing girlfriend and letting the slow sweeps of the sea lull me to sleep. For tomorrow, I’ll rise to check the mains, fire the auxiliaries, slip the lines and set sail again. That’s what life is like as a sailor in the California oilfield.